This installment of Finding Ease includes an exploration into overthinking from an intuitive perspective and info about Online Intuitive Yoga on Sunday, August 4th.
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Looking at Overthinking From an Intuitive Perspective
Note: If you haven’t yet, check out my previous post on overthinking for a little more context.
A couple of weeks ago as I was meditating, I saw an image of a Polaroid camera hovering right above my head. As I watched, I noticed how it would take a photo any time I had an anxious thought. Then the photo spun out of the camera and got stuck somewhere in my space, which made me constantly rethink and overthink this anxious thought. Sometimes the thoughts were kind of benign — like what I should make for dinner tonight — and sometimes the thoughts were more serious. The photos continued to accumulate over time, making me feel frustrated, irritated, overwhelmed, and disconnected from my own wisdom and my own knowledge.
Have you ever felt this way? Like you want to let go of something you’re overthinking but it just seems to be stuck there?
After taking a moment to observe all of this, I imagined moving the Polaroid camera and it’s photos out of my space. Once the camera and photos were gone, I felt a lot lighter. Afterwards, I imagined filling the empty spaces with my own energy, my own wisdom, my own inner guidance.
What all this showed me from an intuitive perspective was how overthinking can become habitual and automatic. And even if I’m not overthinking something in the moment, the fear behind the thoughts can continue to linger on, consciously or unconsciously.
In my experience, overthinking comes from a desire to control or make sense of our situation. It’s about survival and wanting to keep ourselves and others safe. There are so many things to overthink — our finances, our relationships, the upcoming election, climate change, etc., etc.; however, when we get stuck in the thought spirals of overthinking, we end up too overwhelmed to connect to our clarity and creativity. Overthinking starts to control us.
So, when you find yourself overthinking and disconnected from your own wisdom, find a couple moments to close your eyes and sit in stillness. After you feel grounded, imagine a symbol for the energy of overthinking. And if you don’t see anything — that’s fine, too. Simply observe what you notice and let it come to you. When you’re ready, imagine moving the symbol out of your space. Repeat the process as many times as you like. When you finish, imagine filling yourself up with gold. This can be something you do every day or just when you feel the need arises.
What are ways that you experience the energy of overthinking? And how do you release it? Feel free to share in the comments!
I’m thinking about offering a free recorded meditation for reducing overthinking. If this is something you’d be interested in, let me know!
Online Intuitive Yoga - Sunday, August 4th
This month’s theme: Creating Space to Manifest Your Mockups in Your Body
Can you believe we’re more than halfway through 2024? Personally, I’ve struggled this year with putting some of my goals into action because of all the intense things happening in the world. Through meditation and gentle movement, August’s Online Intuitive Yoga session will focus on resetting our space to manifest our mockups for the rest of the year. And yes, we will be working on releasing the energy of overthinking.
Online Intuitive Yoga is on the first Sunday of the month at 10am - 11:15am PT/1pm - 2:15pm ET. All levels are welcome! The cost is $20.
About me
Hi! I’m Veronica and I created Finding Ease as a way to share resources (like this newsletter) for connecting authentically to our mind, body, and spirit. I’ve been practicing and teaching yoga for over 10 years. Because of my academic background as a librarian, I approach the world of yoga, spirituality, and wellness with appreciation and joy, along with an interest in critically examining the ways in which systems of power affect our access and ability to find ease.
You can join me for classes online through Intuitive Way or in person at High Country Yoga. In addition, I created a small library of YouTube videos and I offer private and small group sessions.